On Tue, 09 Apr 2013 01:15:04 -0700, Mark Janssen wrote:

>> I'm not a lawyer, and I suspect you're not either.
> By the way, here's where part of the problem stems, right here.  This
> notion of that you have to be a lawyer -- as if their some other race or
> something.

You wouldn't go to a lawyer for advice on the best way to program. You 
wouldn't go to a car mechanic to ask for the best way to set a broken 
leg. You wouldn't go to a professional gardener to ask how to fight a 
land war in Asia.

Sure, Mike the Personal Injury Lawyer happens to also be a hotshot 
programmer with 35 years of experience in C, Fortran, Lisp, Python, Perl, 
Java, Ruby, PHP, Smalltalk and Haskell. Good for him, and if you know 
him, then maybe you would ask him programming questions in preference to 
a lot of programmers. But that's Mike. 99% of lawyers have no idea about 
the difference between a hash table and a linked list, and 30% think that 
cloud computing has something to do with real clouds.

Dave might be an awesome car mechanic who can fix anything with an 
engine, but that doesn't mean he knows shit about what sort of licence 
and warranty disclaimer is best.

It's just damn common sense that, when faced with a legal issue, you ask 
a legal expert, not a programmer or a butcher or a candle-stick maker.



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