On 2013-04-09, Debashish Saha <silid...@gmail.com> wrote:
> suppose I have t= [0,7,10,17,23,29,31] f_t= [4,3,11,19,12,9,17] and I have
> plotted f_t vs t.
> Now from this 7 data points plotting if I want to retrieve 100 data points
> and save them in a text file. What do I have to do?
> What I am asking is not a fitting of the plot. I know between two points
> plot is linear.

It is if that's how you plotted it.

> What I am asking If I create a array like t=np.arange(0,31,.1) ,then what
> is the corresponding array of f_t which agrees well with the previous
> plot,i.e,for any t between t=0 to t=7, f_t will be determined by using a
> straight line connecting (0,4) and (7,3) and so on.

It sounds to me like you're asking how to do linear interpolation


But that's a type of curve fitting, and you specifically said you're
not asking about curve fitting -- so you've lost me.
Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! I just went below the
                                  at               poverty line!

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