I am trying to understand your points Chris. On the one hand you say:

On Apr 14, 6:22 pm, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No, no, a thousand times no! If I am doing financial transactions,
> even if I'm alone on my machine, I will demand full ACID compliance.

On the other you describe a bookmark storage scheme (which it seems
you are recommending); to wit

>  Suppose bookmarks are stored like this:
> r"""Some-Browser-Name web bookmarks file - edit with care
> url:http://www.google.com/
> title: Search engine
> icon: whatever-format-you-want-to-use
> url:http://www.duckduckgo.com/
> title: Another search engine
> url:http://www.python.org/
> url:
> title: My FTP Server
> desc: Photos are in photos/, videos are in videos/
>  Everything else is in other/
> user: root
> pass: secret
> """
> The parsing of this file is pretty simple. Blank line marks end of
> entry;…

So are you saying that if one switches from the non-ACID compliant
sqlite to your simple-text data-format, the new 'database' (note the
quote marks) will now become ACID compliant?

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