On 05/16/2013 03:48 AM, Charles Smith wrote:

How can I say, from the cmd line, that python should take my CWD as my
CWD, and not the directory where the script actually is?

I have a python script that works fine when it sits in directory WC,
but if I move it out of WC to H and put a symlink from H/script to WC,
it doesn't find the packages that are in WC.  Also, if I use the
absolute path to H, it won't find them, but I guess I can understand

Someone said on the net that python doesn't know whether a file is
real or a symlink, but I think that somehow, python is able to find
out where the real file is and treat that as its base of operations.

You'd really better specify your environment - exact OS and Python version. symlink and cwd usually imply a Unix-type system, but cmd is a Windows thing.

Then give examples of what your cwd is, what string you're typing at the shell prompt, and what's happening.

For example windows is good at changing cwd long before the executable gets control, in some situations.


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