On 06/04/2013 12:01 PM, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 04/06/2013 16:49, mstagliamonte wrote:

[strip the double line spaced nonsense]

Can you please check your email settings.  It's bad enough being plagued
with double line spaced mail from google, having it come from yahoo is
just adding insult to injury, thanks :)

The OP is posting from googlegroups, just using a yahoo return address. So you just have one buggy provider to hate, not two.

>>> If the header is something like:
>>> h01 = ('>scaffold_1')
>>> I just use:
>>> h01.lstrip('>scaffold_')
>>> and this returns me '1'
>>> But, if the header is:


If you must use googlegroups, at least fix the double-posting and double-spacing bugs it has. Start by reading:



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