Any other ideas guys?
I can output for you any command you ask me too, so you have a better 
understanding about this suexec thing.

I have checked the path to the error log file too, it's not just enough 
that the file is accessible for a user, the whole path to the file needs 
to have the right permissions. 

ls -ld /var/log/httpd 
ls -ld /var/log 

both of those needs to have xr for group and others (as far as i know x allows 
a user to get into the directory, r gives the user the ability to list files in 
the directory). 


--------------------------------------------------- [~]# ls -ld /var/log/ 
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Jun  6 08:56 /var/log// 

root@nikos [~]# ls -ld /var/log/httpd/
drw-rw-rw- 2 root root 4096 Jun  6 22:03 /var/log/httpd//

root@nikos [~]# chmod 666 /var/log/httpd/
root@nikos [~]# ls -l /var/log/httpd/
total 8
drw-rw-rw- 2 root   root   4096 Jun  6 22:03 ./
drwxr-xr-x 8 root   root   4096 Jun  7 10:02 ../
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody    0 Apr 14 08:57 error_log*
-rwxr-xr-x 1 nobody nobody    0 Jun  1 02:52 suexec_log*

---------------------------------------------------------- [~]# ls -ld /usr/local/apache/logs/ 
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 4096 Jun  6 08:14 /usr/local/apache/logs// [~]# ls -ld /usr/local/apache/ 
drwxr-xr-x 17 root root 4096 May 16 22:46 /usr/local/apache// 

root@nikos [~]# chown nobody:nobody /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log

root@nikos [~]# ls -l /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 nobody nobody 678180 Jun  7 08:29 /usr/local/apache/logs/suexec_log
root@nikos [~]#


Because i'm a bit confused both 'suexec' files need to change? 
And what are the differences of them? 
Why two 'suexec' logs appear? 
httpd != Apache ? 

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