On 2013-06-10 17:20, Mark Janssen wrote:
> >>         list = []
> >> Reading further, one sees that the function works with two
> >> lists, a list of file names, unfortunately called 'list',
> >
> > That is very good advice in general:  never choose a variable name
> > that is a keyword.
> Btw,  shouldn't it be illegal anyway?  Most compilers don't let you
> do use a keyword as a variable name....

There's a subtle difference between a keyword and a built-in.  Good
Python style generally avoids masking built-ins but allows it:

  >>> "file" in dir(__builtins__)
  >>> file = "hello" # bad style, but permitted
  >>> print file

Whereas the compiler prevents you from tromping on actual keywords:

  >>> for = 4
    File "<stdin>", line 1
      for = 4
  SyntaxError: invalid syntax



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