On Wed, 12 Jun 2013 08:02:24 +0000, Νικόλαος Κούρας wrote:

> # Collect directory and its filenames as bytes
> path = b'/home/nikos/public_html/data/apps/'
> files = os.listdir( path )
[snip code]

I realised that the version I gave you earlier, or rather the modified 
version you came up with, was subject to a race condition. If somebody 
uploaded a file while the script was running, and that file name was not 
UTF-8 clean, the script would fail.

This version may be more robust and should be resistant to race 
conditions when files are uploaded. (However, do not *delete* files while 
this script is running.) As before, I have not tested this. I recommend 
that you test it thoroughly before deploying it live.

def guess_encoding(bytestring):
    for encoding in ('utf-8', 'iso-8859-7', 'latin-1'):
        except UnicodeDecodeError:
            # Decoding failed. Try the next one.
            # Decoding succeeded. This is our guess.
            return encoding
    # If we get here, none of the encodings worked. We cannot guess.
    return None

path = b'/home/nikos/public_html/data/apps/'
files = os.listdir( path )
clean_files = []
for filename in files:
    # Compute 'path/to/filename'
    filepath_bytes = path + filename
    encoding = guess_encoding(filepath_bytes)
    if encoding == 'utf-8':
        # File name is valid UTF-8, so we can skip to the next file.
    if encoding is None:
        # No idea what the encoding is. Hit it with a hammer until it 
        # stops moving.
        filename = filepath_bytes.decode('utf-8', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
        filename = filepath_bytes.decode(encoding)
    # Rename the file to something which ought to be UTF-8 clean.
    newname_bytes = filename.encode('utf-8')
    os.rename(filepath_bytes, newname_bytes)
    # Once we get here, the file ought to be UTF-8 clean,
    # and the Unicode name ought to exist:
    assert os.path.exists(newname_bytes.decode('utf-8'))

# Dump the old list of file names, it is no longer valid.
del files

# DO NOT CALL listdir again. Somebody might have uploaded a 
# new file, with a broken file name. That will be fixed next 
# time this script runs, but for now, we ignore the dirty file
# name and just use the list of clean file names we built above.

clean_files = set(clean_files)

for name_as_bytes in sorted(clean_files):
    filename = name_as_bytes.decode('utf-8')
    # Check the presence of a file against the database 
    # and insert if it doesn't exist
    cur.execute('SELECT url FROM files WHERE url = %s', filename)
    data = cur.fetchone()


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