On Jun 12, 4:10 pm, jacopo <jacopo.pe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> this idea seemed perfect but it turned out that you have to execute the 
> module as a package
> (python -m py.myscripts.any_script) otherwise I get an error on the relative 
> import.
> Unfortunately I am working in a team and I do not have control on how the 
> module is launched.

You need to give more data:

1. How you run -- 'launch' -- the code -- from py and from prod
2. What error you get
3. Did you try bundling your modules into a package? What problem

If PYTHONPATH does not work for you you can look at path-configuration-
files (.pth) files
http://docs.python.org/2/library/site.html [Ive not used them myself]

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