> From: usenetm...@solar-empire.de
> Subject: Re: Cutting a deck of cards
> Date: Sun, 26 May 2013 22:13:55 +0200
> To: python-list@python.org
> Carlos Nepomuceno <carlosnepomuc...@outlook.com> wrote:
>> ----------------------------------------
>>> From: usenetm...@solar-empire.de
>> [...]
>>> Not in Python3.x
>>>>>> decks = 6
>>>>>> list(range(13 * 4 * decks)) == range(13 * 4 * decks)
>>> False
>> What does "list(range(13 * 4 * decks))" returns in Python 3?
> A list of course. But Py3 range is very similar to Py2 xrange, it
> returns a range object.
> AdiaĆ­
> Marc

What list? '[[0,1,2,...]]' or '[0,1,2,...]'? If it's the later then it's no 
different than what range() returns in Python 2.7.5!                            

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