On 14/6/2013 12:21 μμ, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:
Nick the Gr33k writes:

On 14/6/2013 11:28 πμ, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:

'Parker' and 'May' and '2001'

But why?

that expression should return True since all stings are not empty.

It returns a value that counts as true in a conditional statement or

When a look at ('Parker' and 'May' and '2001') i can't help it but interpret it as:

Return True if 'Parker' is not an empty string AND 'May' is not an empty string AND'2001' is not an empty string.

Why on eart doesn't work this way?

I can understand that the value it results to '2000' is a truthy value, although i was expecting it to result in True if all parts of expressions are true.

i just don't understand why it returns back the last value instead.

Zeroes and empty things tend to count as false in Python, other values
as true. The values are tested as is, not coerced to a boolean first,
so the value that decides the value of the whole expression is the
value of the whole expression.

'' and whatever

Why does it return th first object back
isn't it like saying False and True and resulting in False?

Please put it in else word how Python unerstand that.
False and whatever

Same here? The 2nd part of the expression never is been calculated because the 1st is False?
0 and whatever

Same here? The 2nd part of the expression never is been calculated because the 1st is False?
1 and whatever
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
NameError: name 'whatever' is not defined

What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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