On 2013-06-14, Nick the Gr33k <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:

> I started another thread

no kidding.

> because the last one was !@#$'ed up by irrelevant replies and was
> difficult to jeep track.
> >>> name="abcd"
> >>> month="efgh"
> >>> year="ijkl"
> >>> print(name or month or year)
> abcd
> Can understand that, it takes the first string out of the 3 strings
> that has a truthy value.

Yes, it does.  That's the way the language is defined to work.  If you
don't like it, pick a different language.

> >>> print("k" in (name and month and year))
> True
> No clue. since the expression in parenthesis returns 'abcd'

No it doesn't.  Try it:

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>>> name="abcd"
>>> month="efgh"
>>> year="ijkl"
>>> "k" in (name and month and year)
>>> (name and month and year)

> how can 'k' contained within 'abcd' ?

It doesn't

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Am I having fun yet?

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