On 2013-06-14, Nick the Gr33k <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:
> On 14/6/2013 7:47 ????, Benjamin Kaplan wrote:
>   In an "and" clause,
>> python returns the first false value or the last value, because that
>> will evaluate to the correct Boolean value. In an "or" clause, python
>> returns the first true value or the last value. When Python finally got
>> a Boolean type, no one wanted to break backwards compatibility for this.
> This is exactly what i dont understand and thats why i keep asking and 
> people call me an idiot. I just dont understand why it behaves like that.
> Why return first or last value?

There are cases where it's useful not only to know wether an
expression was True or False, but _why_ it was true or false.

> because that will evaluate to the correct Boolean value ????

Yes.  All values in Pyton have a "truthness" and you can be guaranteed

     if A or B or C:

will behave exactly the same way whether the "or" operator returns
True or it returns one of it's operands.  

Grant Edwards               grant.b.edwards        Yow! Where do your SOCKS
                                  at               go when you lose them in
                              gmail.com            th' WASHER?

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