On Sat, Jun 15, 2013 at 11:55 PM, rusi <rustompm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jun 16, 4:14 am, Chris Angelico <ros...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 12:16 AM, Roy Smith <r...@panix.com> wrote:
> > > The advantage of DVCS is that everybody has a full copy of the repo.
> > > The disadvantage of the DVCS is that every MUST have a full copy of the
> > > repo.  When a repo gets big, you may not want to pull all of that data
> > > just to get the subtree you need.
> >
> > Yeah, and depending on size, that can be a major problem. While git
> > _will_ let you make a shallow clone, it won't let you push from that,
> > so it's good only for read-only repositories (we use git to manage
> > software deployments at work - shallow clones are perfect) or for
> > working with patch files.
> >
> > Hmm. ~/cpython/.hg is 200MB+, but ~/pike/.git is only 86MB. Does
> > Mercurial compress its content? A tar.gz of each comes down, but only
> > to ~170MB and ~75MB respectively, so I'm guessing the bulk of it is
> > already compressed. But 200MB for cpython seems like a lot.
> [I am assuming that you have run  "git gc --aggressive" before giving
> those figures]

Off-topic, but this is a bad idea in most cases.  This is a post including
an email from Torvalds proclaiming how and why git gc --aggressive is dumb
in 99% of cases and should rarely be used:


All the best,

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