On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 2:47 PM, Ferrous Cranus <supp...@superhost.gr> wrote:
> On 16/6/2013 2:13 μμ, Jussi Piitulainen wrote:
>> If, instead of the above, you have
>> a = 6
>> b = a
>> b = 5
>> you will find that b == 5 and a == 6. So b is not the same as a. Else
>> one would have changed when the other changed. I would say that a and
>> b are different variables. They had the same value, briefly.
> If they were different variables then they would have different memory
> addresses and they would act like two different objects.
> But... both a and b are for a fact mappings for the same memory address as
> seen form the following command.
>>>> id(a) == id(b)
> True
> They are like the same object with 2 different names.

This will depend on when the test is run:

a = 6
b = a
a is b # True

b = 5
a is b # False

The latter is false because the binding of "b" to the int 6 was broken
in order to bind b to the int 5.

I might also suggest you restrain from trying to correct respondents
on these matters until you yourself understand them. It's only polite.


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