On 17/6/2013 10:00 πμ, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
On Mon, 17 Jun 2013 09:11:05 +0300, Νίκος wrote:

everything work as expected but not the part when the counter of a
filename gets increased when the file have been requested.

I don't see how since:

if filename:
        #update file counter
        cur.execute('''UPDATE files SET hits = hits + 1, host = %s,
       lastvisit = %s WHERE url = %s''', (host, lastvisit, filename) )

There isn'tmuch to say ehre. You already know the code that im using inside files.pu and the question is that this execute never gets to execute.

# =================================================================================================================
# Make sure that ALL database records are filenames in existance
# =================================================================================================================
filenames = []

# Switch filenames from (utf8 bytestrings => unicode strings) and trim them from their paths
for utf8_filename in utf8_filenames:
filenames.append( utf8_filename.decode('utf-8').replace( '/home/nikos/public_html/data/apps/', '' ) )

# Check the presence of a database file against the dir files and delete record if it doesn't exist
cur.execute('''SELECT url FROM files''')
data = cur.fetchall()

# Delete spurious database records
for rec in data:
        if rec not in filenames:
                cur.execute('''DELETE FROM files WHERE url = %s''', rec )

# Load'em
for filename in filenames:
                # Check the presence of current filename against it's database 
                cur.execute('''SELECT url FROM files WHERE url = %s''', 
filename )
                data = cur.fetchone()

                if not data:
                        # First time for file; primary key is automatic, hit is 
cur.execute('''INSERT INTO files (url, host, lastvisit) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)''', (filename, host, lastvisit) )
        except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
                print( repr(e) )

# =================================================================================================================
# Display ALL files, each with its own download button
# =================================================================================================================
print('''<body background='/data/images/star.jpg'>
                 <center><img src='/data/images/download.gif'><br><br>
                 <table border=5 cellpadding=5 bgcolor=green>

        cur.execute( '''SELECT * FROM files ORDER BY lastvisit DESC''' )
        data = cur.fetchall()
        for row in data:
                (filename, hits, host, lastvisit) = row
                lastvisit = lastvisit.strftime('%A %e %b, %H:%M')
                <form method="get" action="/cgi-bin/files.py">
                                <td> <center> <input type="submit" name="filename" 
value="%s"> </td>
                                <td> <center> <font color=yellow size=5> %s 
                                <td> <center> <font color=orange size=4> %s 
                                <td> <center> <font color=silver size=4> %s 
                ''' % (filename, hits, host, lastvisit) )
        print( '''</table><br><br>''' )
except pymysql.ProgrammingError as e:
        print( repr(e) )

After a spcific file gets selected then files.py is reloading grabbign the filename as a variable form and:

# =================================================================================================================
# If user downloaded a file, thank the user !!!
# =================================================================================================================
if filename:
        #update filename's counter if cookie does not exist
cur.execute('''UPDATE files SET hits = hits + 1, host = %s, lastvisit = %s WHERE url = %s''', (host, lastvisit, filename) )

but the execute never happesn.
i ahve tested it

if data:
        print soemthing

but data is always empty.
What is now proved was at first only imagined!

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