On 06/23/2013 02:40 PM, cutems93 wrote:
> [...]
The Python wiki at http://wiki.python.org/moin/ has a lot of info on 
most of your subjects.  I've included links to there for some of your
items below.

All your items below also have comercial products available but I
an not familiar with any so all me comments below pertain only to
free tools.

> 1. Automated Refactoring Tools
 I wish.
> 2. Bug Tracking
 This is not really Python specific so any bug tracking tool
 you want to use will work.  There are several written in Python.
 The Python (cpython) project uses one called Roundup.
> 3. Configuration And BuildTools 4. Distribution Utilities
> 5. Documentation Tools
 The most popular documentation tools for Python projects is Spinx, probably
 because the Python documentation itself is build with Spinx.
 see also http://wiki.python.org/moin/DocumentationTools
> 6. Integrated Development Environments
> 7. Python Debuggers
 Python comes with a builtin debugger called pdb.  There are also a number
 of other add-on debuggers like pydb.
 See also: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonDebuggingTools
> 8. Python Editors
 Any editor for programming is fine.  This is mostly personal taste and
 experience.  It is a frequent topic of discussion here so a web search
 should turn up some info.
> 9. Python Shells
> 10. Test Software
 Python comes with modules that will assist you in writing 
 your own tests, most notable unittest and doctest.  There are
 a number of third party modules too:
 See http://wiki.python.org/moin/UnitTests
> 11. Useful Modules
 The main repository for public Python modules is PyPi: 
 See https://pypi.python.org/pypi
> 12. Version Control
 Git and Mercurial (hg) seem to be the two most popular "modern" VCS 
 used by Python developers with Bazaar (bzr) right behind them.
 There was a discussion here very recently on that subject, 
 see https://groups.google.com/d/topic/comp.lang.python/MD4Oqq9GJiQ/discussion

> What else do I need? Also, which software is used in daily base? I
> know version control software and bug tracking software are used
> almost everyday by developers. Which software is used less often?

This really depends on what kind of development you will be
doing and who else you will be doing it with.  A minimal development
environment is a shell, python interpreter, and an internet connection.

> Also, I will use GUI interface for Python. What kind of widget
> toolkits do you recommend? I know there are GTK+ and Qt.

Python comes with a GUI toolkit called tkinter.
The other major GUI toolkit is wxPython although it is not yet
available for Python3.
See also http://wiki.python.org/moin/GuiProgramming

Hope this helps get you started.

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