On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 3:58 PM, Mark Janssen <dreamingforw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ah, and here we see the weakness in the object architecture that has
> evolved in the past decade (not just in Python, note).  It hasn't
> really ironed out what end is what.   Here's a proposal:  the highest,
> most "parental", most general object should be in charge, not
> subclasses calling specific parent's init methods
> (Parent.__init__(myparams)), etc. -- ***THIS IS WHERE WE WENT
> WRONG***.
> After the "type/class unification", python tried to make the most
> generic, most useless class be the parent of *all of them*, but
> there's been no use whatsoever in that.  It was a good idea in the
> beginning, so pure as it was, but it has not panned out in practice.
> Sorry...

So instead of super(), you would have sub()?  It's an interesting
concept, but I don't think it changes anything.  You still have to
design your classes cooperatively if you expect to use them with
multiple inheritance.

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