On 16/07/2013 11:18, Mohan L wrote:

On Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 2:12 PM, Joshua Landau <jos...@landau.ws
<mailto:jos...@landau.ws>> wrote:

    On 16 July 2013 07:55, Mohan L <l.mohan...@gmail.com
    <mailto:l.mohan...@gmail.com>> wrote:
     > Dear All,
     > Here is my script :
     > #!/usr/bin/python
     > import re
     > # A string.
     > logs = "date=2012-11-28 time=21:14:59"
     > # Match with named groups.
     > m =
     > logs)
     > # print
     > print m.groupdict()
     > Output:
     > ========
     > {'date': '2012-11-28', 'datetime': 'date=2012-11-28
    time=21:14:59', 'time':
     > '21:14:59'}
     > Required output :
     > ==================
     > {'date': '2012-11-28', 'datetime': '2012-11-28 21:14:59', 'time':
     > '21:14:59'}
     > need help to correct the below regex
     > (?P<datetime>(date=(?P<date>[^\s]+))\s+(time=(?P<time>[^\s]+)))"
     > so that It will have : 'datetime': '2012-11-28 21:14:59' instead of
     > 'datetime': 'date=2012-11-28 time=21:14:59'
     > any help would be greatly appreciated

    Why do you need to do this in a single Regex? Can't you just "
    ".join(..) the date and time?

I using another third party python script. It takes the regex from
configuration file. I can't write any code. I have to do all this in
single regex.

A capture group captures a single substring.

What you're asking is for it to with capture 2 substrings (the date and
the time) and then join them together, or capture 1 substring and then
remove part of it.

I don't know of _any_ regex implementation that lets you do that.


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