On 20 July 2013 21:22,  <pablobarhamal...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok, I'm working on a predator/prey simulation, which evolve using genetic 
> algorithms. At the moment, they use a quite simple feed-forward neural 
> network, which can change size over time. Each brain "tick" is performed by 
> the following function (inside the Brain class):
> The function is actually quite fast (~0.040 seconds per 200 calls, using 10 
> input, 20 hidden and 3 output neurons), and used to be much slower untill I 
> fiddled about with it a bit to make it faster. However, it is still somewhat 
> slow for what I need it.
> My question to you is if you an see any obvious (or not so obvious) way of 
> making this faster. I've heard about numpy and have been reading about it, 
> but I really can't see how it could be implemented here.

Currently we're just guessing; if you gave us an appropriate stand-in
for "self" (so that we can call the function) we could be helpful much
more easily.

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