Thanks to everyone for their wealth of suggestions.  I already had my students 
playing with turtle.  And I had asked them to alphabetize a string (without 
having previously revealed the sorted() function).

So far, I have taken up the suggestion of the number-guessing game.  One of my 
students has a working version.  The logic is a bit clumsy, but it's a fine 
first attempt.

I will also take up the Twenty Questions idea.  My son and I played that game a 
lot over the years, to pass the time on long car rides.  And it would be a 
great way to introduce the binary tree data structure.

Another project I thought of was a Pig Latin translator.  (But do kids today 
even know what Pig Latin is?  Am I showing my age?)

Concerning more advanced, real-time, game-oriented graphics, I am trying to 
figure out how to build PyGame on top of Python3.x.  Supposedly it is possible. 
 I just haven't figured out how.  It's 2013: I refuse to complicate my 
students' programming education with Python 2.x.

I used wxPython happily for years, and I think that its graphical capabilities 
would probably be up to the task of a simple 2D game.  Unfortunately, it has 
the same problem as PyGame, at least for now.  The Py3-compatible version of 
wxPython, to be known as Phoenix, is still under development.

I'll keep Unity, Panda3D, and Blender in mind for later.  Again, one of my main 
concerns will be Python 3.x compatibility.

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