On 7/28/2013 2:29 PM, Chris Angelico wrote:
On Sun, Jul 28, 2013 at 7:19 PM, Joshua Landau <jos...@landau.ws> wrote:

Somewhat off topic, but befitting of the triviality of this thread, do I
understand correctly that you are saying garbage collection never causes any
noticeable slowdown in real-world circumstances? That's not remotely true.

If it's done properly, garbage collection shouldn't hurt the *overall*
performance of the app;

There are situations, some discussed on this list, where doing gc 'right' means turning off the cycle garbage collector. As I remember, an example is creating a list of a million tuples, which otherwise triggers a lot of useless background bookkeeping. The cyclic gc is tuned for 'normal' use patterns.

Terry Jan Reedy


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