On 07/29/2013 08:06 AM, Heiko Wundram wrote:
Am 29.07.2013 13:43, schrieb wxjmfa...@gmail.com:
timeit.timeit("r = dir(list)")

timeit.timeit("r = dir(list)")

For the record, I do not put your example to contradict
you. I was expecting such a result even before testing.

Now, if you do not understand why, you do not understand.
There nothing wrong.

Please give a single *proof* (not your gut feeling) that this is related to the FSR, and not rather due to other side-effects such as changes in how dir() works or (as Chris pointed out) due to more members on the list type in 3.3. If you can't or won't give that proof, there's no sense in continuing the discussion.

Wow! The RE Module thread I created is evolving into Unicode topics. That thread grew up so fast!


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