Eduardo Alvarez wrote:

> When using argparse, is there a way to specify in what order arguments
> get parsed? I am writing a script whose parameters can be modified in
> the following order:
> Defaults -> config file -> command-line switches.
> However, I want to give the option of specifying a config file using a
> command line switch as well, so logically, that file should be parsed
> before any other arguments are applied. However, it seems that
> parse_args() parses arguments in the order they're given, so if the
> config file switch is not given first, the config file will overwrite
> whatever was in the command-line switches, which should have higher
> priority.
> Thank you in advance,

If you use

to read the configuration file it should be obvious to the user that the 
order is significant. You can even construct multiple config files with 
partially overlapping options:

$ cat
import argparse

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(fromfile_prefix_chars="@")

$ cat option1.txt
$ cat option2.txt
$ python @option1.txt @option2.txt
Namespace(infile='alpha.txt', logfile='DELTA.txt', outfile='GAMMA.txt')
$ python @option2.txt @option1.txt
Namespace(infile='alpha.txt', logfile='DELTA.txt', outfile='beta.txt')

If you insist you could modify the argument list with the following hack:

sys.argv[1:] = sorted(sys.argv[1:], key=lambda arg: arg.startswith("@"), 

There might also be a way to utilize parse_known_args().


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