On Sat, 31 Aug 2013 05:57:47 -0700, Fabrice Pombet wrote:

> Steve, I think that your definition of encapsulation is too wide to give
> a reasonable answer to the question at hand. 

My definition of encapsulation is based on the plain language definition. 
It is also common in computer programming circles to talk about 
encapsulation in this way. OOP designers may (or may not) have been the 
first to declare "encapsulation" was a design principle, but programmers 
have been using the *principle* of encapsulation since before Grace 
Hopper was an admiral.

See, for example, coders talking about encapsulation in C and Powershell:



OOP languages give us *more* and *better* ways to encapsulate code and 
data, but they did not invent the principle.

> If I understand you
> correctly, you are taking encapsulation as a language characteristic, 
> rather than a principle. 

No, it is both. The coder may or may not decide to encapsulate code in 
subroutines/functions/classes, and the language may or may not allow it.

Languages differ in their ability to allow the programmer to encapsulate. 
Some languages, like early BASIC, give you no ability to encapsulate code 
or data at all. All variables are global, and there are no functions, 
just a big blob of code in a single file. There aren't even data 
structures as such, except strings, so you cannot even group related 
pieces of data into a struct or record.

Some languages, like Python, give you many ways to encapsulate code and 
data: you can group related code in a function, related functions in a 
class, related classes in a module, related modules in a package. That's 
pretty much exactly the same sort of things that you can do in Java. C++ 
has an additional "namespace" data structure that Python doesn't have, 
but that's just a mechanism for encapsulation.

Encapsulation and information hiding are distinct things -- you can have 
one without the other. C, for example, creates a new scope inside for-
loops, so that the for-loop variable is hidden from the rest of the 
function. Apart from a pair of braces, there is no encapsulation, but 
there is information hiding. Or you could design a language that 
encapsulated code into functions and classes, but put all variables in a 
single, global, shared namespace (little, or no, information hiding).

It is a myth, and a very obnoxious one, that encapsulation and 
information hiding were invented by OOP. What is a function but a way to 
hide the implementation of a chunk of code from the caller? What are 
local variables but a way to hide variables used by one function from 
another? Coders were using information hiding, separation of concerns, 
and encapsulation in the 1950s, long before OOP. They just didn't call 
them by those names. They just called them "writing good code".

Actually, functions are *not necessarily* a way to hide implementation. 
There are languages where you can jump into the middle of a function. So 
you can encapsulate a chunk of code into a function, without hiding the 
implementation details. Just as you can encapsulate code and data into a 
class, without hiding the implementation details, if you declare 
everything public.

> Plus, you seem to forget that encapsulation is
> an OOP principle, and, forgive me if I am wrong, does not apply normally
> to functions or languages like C. 

I haven't forgotten it, because it isn't true.

One of the most obnoxious and annoying traits of OOP zealots, especially 
academics, is that they act as if programming did not exist before Java 
and C++, or if you're really lucky, Smalltalk. (Somehow they nearly 
always forget about Simula.) Perhaps because OOP was so late to be 
invented (structured programming goes back to Fortran in the 1950s, 
functional programming to Lisp only a few years after that), and because 
it was so heavily hyped as "the solution" to every programming 
difficulty, too many people ignore anything outside of the OOP. They 
wrongly believe that since Python isn't a "pure" OOP language (according 
to some bizarre understanding of "pure" that often considers C++ and Java 
pure), Python cannot possibly have "OOP principles" like encapsulation, 
information hiding, separation of concerns.

That point of view is sheerest nonsense.

> Please read Steve Holden's (in chaz')
> definition, and tell us whether you think that Python enforces strongly
> this principle, I think that would be a good basis for an agreement. 

Are you referring to this quote?

"encapsulation is the idea that the only way to access or change the data 
inside an object is by calling its methods."

I disagree with that definition. That's a poor definition, one that has 
no relation to the plain English meaning of the word "encapsulation", nor 
to how the word is commonly used in the great bulk of programming 
circles. By referring to "objects" and "methods" it wrongly assumes that 
encapsulation can only apply to OOP.

I quote from The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing:


   1. The technique used by layered protocols in which a layer
   adds header information to the protocol data unit (PDU) from
   the layer above.  As an example, in Internet terminology, a
   packet would contain a header from the physical layer,
   followed by a header from the network layer (IP), followed by
   a header from the transport layer (TCP), followed by the
   application protocol data.

   2. The ability to provide users with a well-defined interface
   to a set of functions in a way which hides their internal
   workings.  In object-oriented programming, the technique of
   keeping together data structures and the methods (procedures)
   which act on them.

Definition 1 is irrelevant to this discussion, but definition 2 makes it 
absolutely clear that it is not just about OOP.

> My
> answer is no, it doesn't, but it allows you to abide by it if you want
> to. Unlike Java or C++ who would tend to do exactly the contrary
> (enforces it strictly, and (possibly?) allow you to discard it at times
> with a few jiffies (or not? I don't know))

Java and C++ allow you to declare members as public, so it is *not true* 
that calling methods is the only way to change members. If you accept 
Steve Holden's (wrong) definition above, Java and C++ don't have 
encapsulation either.


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