On 9/9/13 10:28 AM, wxjmfa...@gmail.com wrote:
Le vendredi 6 septembre 2013 17:46:14 UTC+2, Piet van Oostrum a écrit :
wxjmfa...@gmail.com writes:

The Flexible String Representation has conceptually to
face the same problem. It splits "unicode" in chunks and
it has to solve two problems at the same time, the coding
and the handling of multiple "char sets". The problem?
It fails.
"This poor Flexible String Representation does not succeed
to solve the problem it create itsself."

The FSR does not split unicode in chuncks. It does not create problems and 
therefore it doesn't have to solve this.

The FSR simply stores a Unicode string as an array[*] of ints (the Unicode code 
points of the characters of the string. That's it. Then it uses a 
memory-efficient way to store this array of ints. But that has nothing to do 
with character sets. The same principle could be used for any array of ints.

So you are seeking problems where there are none. And you would have a lot more 
peace of mind if you stopped doing this.

[*] array in the C sense.


Piet van Oostrum <p...@vanoostrum.org>

WWW: http://pietvanoostrum.com/

PGP key: [8DAE142BE17999C4]

Due to its nature, a character cann't be handled in the
same way a one another type. That's the purpose of the UTF.


Chunk latin-1, perfomance

timeit.timeit("a = 'hundred'; 'x' in a")

timeit.timeit("a = 'hundrez'; 'x' in a")

Chunk ucs2, perfomance

timeit.timeit("a = 'hundre€'; 'x' in a")

Chunk ucs4, perfomance

timeit.timeit("a = 'hundre\U0001d11e'; 'x' in a")

Comment: Such differences never happen with utf.


Chunk latin-1, memory


Chunk ucs2, memory


Comment: 14 bytes more than latin-1

Chunk ucs4, memory


Comment: 18 bytes more than latin-1

Comment: With utf, a char (in string or not) never exceed 4



'a' + '€' in utf, conceptually

Concatenate the *unicode tranformation units*.
Some kind of a real direct 'a' + '€'.

'a' + '€' in FSR, conceptually

1) Check the "internal coding" of 'a'
2) Check the "internal coding" of '€'
3) Compare these codings

4a) If they match, concatenate the bytes

4b) If they do not match
        5) Reencode the string which has to
        6) Concatenate
        7) Set the "internal coding" status for
        further processing


Complicate and full of side effects, eg :


Is not a latin-1 "é" supposed to count as a latin-1 "a" ?


I picked up random methods, there may be variations, basically
this general behaviour is always expected.


jmf, thanks for your reply. You've calmed my fears that there is something wrong with the Flexible String Representation. None of the examples you show demonstrate any behavior contrary to the Unicode spec.


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