On Tue, 24 Sep 2013 11:36:16 +0000, Alister wrote:

> To put it even more simply
> If you have a legitimate reason to send me emails then you have no
> legitimate reason to withhold your true Identity.

"Dear Alister,

Forgive this anonymous email, but I don't wish to get fired from my job 
and sued for breaking the confidentiality agreement I signed, but 
somebody needs to speak out about this matter. You need to know that the 
company I work for, Acme Ltd, is illegally dumping radioactive waste in 
the street where you live in the form of extremely fine powder which 
blows all over the street, into your home and garden. Attached is the 
evidence for this, proving that knowledge of this dumping goes all the 
way to the company board. I suggest you talk to your lawyer before your 
children develop mutant superpowers, or possibly cancer, whichever 
happens first."

Whistleblower laws are useless. Sometimes people need to remain 
anonymous. Even when whistleblower laws have teeth, sometimes it's just 
better to keep your identity unknown.

However, in the specific case of Nikos, I cannot imagine any legitimate 
reason for him to be sending anonymous emails to his website users. I've 
asked him to explain, but he hasn't. I can only conclude that he is 
intending to send spam, or otherwise act unethically or even criminally. 
Even if I knew how to write an anonymous mail server, I wouldn't help him.


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