rusi <> writes:

> On Thursday, October 10, 2013 6:40:19 AM UTC+5:30, Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> > If *anyone else* asked for help on these sorts of network and
> > browser questions, we'd give them more constructive pointers than
> > just "google it".

Someone who has so consistently demonstrated their unwillingness to
learn, and their persistent arrogance in flooding this forum with
demands for assistance, is quite deserving of curt “go and find out for
yourself, leave this forum alone” responses.

We are a, and should remain, an open and tolerant community. But the
persistently disrespectful actions of Nikos threaten the forum's value
and usefulness for everyone else. There are limits to how much
disruption and obstinacy this community should tolerate from a given


Both of which got quite helpful responses: a brief, polite referral to
seek a specific discussion forum where their requests would be on topic.

 \         “If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all |
  `\    others of exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking |
_o__)                          power called an idea” —Thomas Jefferson |
Ben Finney


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