
I have a 3rd party perl script:

 head -n 1 /usr/sbin/ftpasswd

I want to write data to stdin and read from stdout:

proc = Popen( ["/usr/bin/perl", "/usr/sbin/ftpasswd" "--hash", "--stdin"], 
stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE)

output, input = proc.communicate(pwd)
return output.strip()

Since pwd comes from a non-trusted source I don't want to use shell=True.

The arguments to the perl interpreter do not seem to right:

Can't open perl script "/usr/sbin/ftpasswd--hash": No such file or directory

Adding a leading " " to "--hash" does not help.

How can I use that script and achieve something like

# echo "123" | ftpasswd --hash --stdin
ftpasswd: $1$8BuLAqCl$y/URBN/OCSLsKtnu8nFHH0



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