Tom wrote:
BTW what I am trying to accomplish is easily done in hping3 using this comm=
hping3 -S -p 5228=20

I just want those same kind of results using python so I can make an exe ou=
t of it.

Hi Tom,

Not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for, but I wrote a tcp syn scanner 
using raw sockets and another that uses scapy.  You can take a look at  You 
might take a look at scapy if you don't want to reinvent the wheel like I did.  
scapy is definitely worth a look if you want something powerfull and aren't 
interested in reinventing the wheel.

Regarding your code/initial question, I think it may be that the server is 
resetting the connection when it receives the string 'Data' as opposed to 
something that looks like what it expects. 

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