On 25/10/2013 16:34, Chris Angelico wrote:
Do you understand: 1) what cookies are? 2) how the browser receives them? 3) how the server gets them back? 4) when #3 happens and when it does not? If not, go to Wikipedia and start reading. If you get to the end of Wikipedia without comprehending this, go back to the beginning and start over. ChrisA


You truly are a saint!

I simply cannot believe the level of restraint you have shown during this exchange (unless of course you have bought tickets to Greece in order to deal with this issue in person and 'with extreme prejudice').

As for the OP - Nick, I think your utterly ignorant rudeness to Chris will have alienated the entire membership of this list and you should seriously consider a carefully worded apology.

This list does not exist to teach you how to run a website or to write software for it. This list does not exist to explain every single aspect of network and web technology to someone who openly admits that they prefer to get answers from list members without doing any personal research. This list exists to provide mutual to support members in their personal usage of and research into Python.

Most importantly, any contribution comes free of charge and you should recognise this gift and remember to use 'please and thank you' instead of 'don't be lazy'. If you want to be respected by this group, you need to substantially change your attitude and start to do some research of your own before posting questions on this or any other list.


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