On 26/10/2013 18:36, HC wrote:
I'm doing my first year in university and I need help with this basic 

Assignment: Write Python script that prints sum of cubes of numbers between 
0-200 that are multiples of 3. 3^3+6^3+9^3+12^3....+198^3=?

My script:
count = 0
answer = 0

while count<200:
     if count%3==0:
         answer = answer + count**3
     count = count + 1

print ("Result is: " +str(answer))

Is it all okay?

Just one small point: the assignment says that the numbers should be in
the range 0-200, but the loop's condition is count<200 it's excluding
200, so the numbers will actually be in the range 0-199.

However, as 200 isn't a multiple of 3, it won't affect the result, but
in another assignment it might.

(For the record, this is known as an "off-by-one" error.)


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