On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 4:31 PM,  <ajetrum...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hello all,
> This has got me a tad bit confused I think.  I am running 3.3.0 and I know 
> that Python looks to group code together that is supposed to be in the same 
> block.  But the question is, where are the rules for this?  For instance, if 
> I type the following in a PY file, it errors out and I don't see the DOS 
> window with the output in Vista:

It’s called the command prompt.
> a=1;
>    if a==1: print(1)
>    else: print(0)
> wait = input("press key")
> However, if I don't indent anything at all, it works!
> a=1;
> if a==1: print(1)
> else: print(0)
> wait = input("press key")

You indented the wrong thing.  You put your if/else statement in a
non-standard way (which works, but is discouraged).  Also, you ended
the first line with a semicolon (same case).  So, the proper code
would be:

if a==1:
wait = input("press key")

(I resisted the urge to add spaces around `=` and `==`, something most
people want you to do.)

Chris “Kwpolska” Warrick <http://kwpolska.tk>
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