Chandru Rajendran <> writes:

> Hi all,


Please remove the mass of legalese nonsense (this is a public discussion
forum, your message is clearly not confidential), or use a mail system
which does not add that when discussing here.

> I am building my script. I want to run all the test scripts.

What version of Python are you using?

Test discovery is now a part of the standard library ‘unittest’ module

If you are using Python earlier than version 2.7, you can use a
third-party module for adding test discovery to the standard test runner

> Currently I am running the code "python test"

That invokes whatever the ‘’ defines as the test suite and
runner. You'll need to change that in order to get it to run the tests

 \        “I used to work in a fire hydrant factory. You couldn't park |
  `\                          anywhere near the place.” —Steven Wright |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney

  • RUN ALL TEST Chandru Rajendran
    • Re: RUN ALL TEST Ben Finney

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