Op 30-10-13 17:31, jonas.thornv...@gmail.com schreef:
Den onsdagen den 30:e oktober 2013 kl. 17:22:23 UTC+1 skrev Mark Lawrence:

I have no need to implement a newsreader as I can quite happily send and

receive data using Thunderbird.  There are several other similar email

options available.  An alternative is for you to show others some

courtesy and follow the instructions that would show just a few lines up

from here, except that your insistence on using bug ridden technology

means it's actually light years away.


Python is the second best programming language in the world.

But the best has yet to be invented.  Christian Tismer

Mark Lawrence

No that is not my problem, apparently so it is that the newsreader constructors 
do not like the competition of Google groups otherwise they would had written 
the five lines of codes necessary to remove the empty linebreaks.
I like web based features, and i will use them until "they get it right, 
End of story

If you persist, it will become your problem soon enough. Annoying the
people, you come to for help, will not motivate them in actually
helping you. Mark may be the loudest in making his annoyance clear, he
is not the only one that is annoyed.

You are misbehaving by burdening other people with the annoying results
of your choice of news reading tool. That the cause is buggy google ware
doesn't diminish your responsibility. As it is the mood is tense because
a number of people already feel that others are too patient with
annoying behaviour and your contributions are not helping.

So if you find it important to have a welcoming python community that in
general will gladly help you along, you may reconsider that end of

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