On 31/10/2013 15:59, bhaktanish...@gmail.com wrote:
I want to extract the page-url. for example:
if i have this code

import urllib2
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
link = "http://www.google.com";
page = urllib2.urlopen(link).read()
soup = BeautifulSoup(page)

then i can extract title of page by:

title = soup.title

but i want to know that how to extract page-URL from "soup" that will be 

Have a look at what you're passing to BeautifulSoup (save it to a file
and look at it in an editor). It's HTML. Does it contain anything that
says where it came from? No. So BeautifulSoup can't know either.

All BeautifulSoup does is parse the HTML that it's given.

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