Can anyone help me overcome a terminology and jargon barrier I am having in 
fully defining what tools to use to fulfil a process.

I want to create a database 6 Related tables. Update information 1 or twice a 
week with data from an XML file that I will download, this data would update 
rows in 5 tables of the database. From there display, add, edit and view data 
in web page and produce other info based on this.

My main roadblock is the XML process, I am finding it unclear to understand 
what tools and how to manage this process. Most examples show manually 
inputting data.

What I know and have learnt.

 - can insert and update data into database using python(values I type in)
 - can query and view data with python from tables
 - can design good SQL related tables(don't know much NoSQL)
 - Use lxml to open view and find info from nodes of an XML file
 - Basic Django/Flask/Pylons haven't completed a sizable project yet but have 
completed their tutorials and have some previous web experience.

When I look for info on this process

 - Info from django leads ultimately to fixtures Django Docs, initial fixtures
 - SQLAlchemy info leads

 - Spyne RPC toolkit

 Reading these I am not sure this covers what I am actually trying to do, 
reliably and repeatedly update a database with XML data. Can anyone advise of 
the correct terminology I should be searching for to learn more. What python 
tools would best help me complete 


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