On 02/11/2013 02:35, smhall05 wrote:
I am using a basic multiprocessing snippet I found:

from multiprocessing import Pool

def  f(x):
     return x*x

if __name__ == '__main__':
     pool = Pool(processes=4)              # start 4 worker processes
     result = pool.apply_async(f, [10])    # evaluate "f(10)" asynchronously
     print result.get(timeout=1)
     print pool.map(f, range(10))          # prints "[0, 1, 4,..., 81]"

I am using this code to have each process go off and solve the same problem, 
just with different inputs to the problem. I need to be able to kill all 
processes once 1 of n processes has come up with the solution. There will only 
be one answer.

I have tried:

sys.exit(0) #this causes the program to hang

Did you actually mean "pool.terminate", or is that a typo for

These still allow further processing before the program terminates. What else 
can I try? I am not able to share the exact code at this time. I can provide 
more detail if I am unclear. Thank you


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