On 03/11/2013 21:53, Mark Lawrence wrote:
On 03/11/2013 21:22, bob gailer wrote:
On 11/3/2013 11:19 AM, Renato Barbosa Pim Pereira wrote:
I have one .xls file with the values of PV MV and SP, I wanna to
calculate Kp Ki Kd with python from this file, can anyone give me any
suggestion about how can I do this?
You could start by explaining what those terms mean. They have no direct
relationship to Python.

Does this have anything to do with statistics? Quantum theory? Telephony?

P = Pluto, V = Venus, S = Saturn?

Help us understand - then we *might* be able to help you.

According to http://www.acronymfinder.com there are only 85 meanings for
PV, 75 for MV and a mere 290 for SP so simply take your pick :)

If you put all "PV MV SP" into Google you get results about Process
Dynamics/Control. Does that help? :-)


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