Τη Πέμπτη, 7 Νοεμβρίου 2013 12:11:20 π.μ. UTC+2, ο χρήστης Mark Lawrence έγραψε:
> On 06/11/2013 21:26, Νίκος Γκρ33κ wrote:
> > Στις 6/11/2013 5:25 μμ, ο/η Νίκος Γκρ33κ έγραψε:
> >> Okey let the hacker try again to mess with my database!!!
> >>
> >> He is done it twice, lets see if he will make it again!
> >>
> >> I'am waiting!
> >
> > No luck yet mighty one? :)
> So you're proud of the fact that you've only been hacked twice (that you 
> know of)?  You think you've prevented this happening again.  Pride comes 
> before a fall!  Unfortunately for you I suspect that you've so irritated 
> someone here by your behaviour that your latest comment is like waving a 
> red flag at a bull.  I sincerely hope that this time she destroys your 
> site, as it seems likely that this is the only way in which you will 
> learn.  Cruel to be kind.

So she is a SHE! How do you know that the person hacked into my DB is a female?

As for the state of my databases:

1. Hacker wasnt able to mess with my first database so to add bogus webpages 
into it as it can be seen from here:  http://superhost.gr/?show=stats

2. Unfortunately though he did manage to add arbitrary information to my other 
database that i store my clients, the tasks i made for them and the payment.

Well done i have to say! but i think i know how she(if indeed a female) did it.

I think i can prevent this for happening again as i did with (1)

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