On 11/11/2013 16:43, jonas.thornv...@gmail.com wrote:
Here is the example file i have tried.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

ZetCode Tkinter tutorial

This program draws three
rectangles filled with different

author: Jan Bodar
last modified: January 2011
website: www.zetcode.com

from Tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Frame, BOTH

class Example(Frame):

     def __init__(self, parent):
         Frame.__init__(self, parent)

         self.parent = parent

     def initUI(self):

         self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

         canvas = Canvas(self)
         canvas.create_rectangle(30, 10, 120, 80,
             outline="#fb0", fill="#fb0")
         canvas.create_rectangle(150, 10, 240, 80,
             outline="#f50", fill="#f50")
         canvas.create_rectangle(270, 10, 370, 80,
             outline="#05f", fill="#05f")
         canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

That looks like it was written for Python 2 because in Python 3 the module is named "tkinter".

It's also lacking the part where it calls the .mainloop method.

from tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Frame, BOTH

class Example(Frame):

    def __init__(self, parent):
        Frame.__init__(self, parent)

        self.parent = parent

    def initUI(self):

        self.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

        canvas = Canvas(self)
        canvas.create_rectangle(30, 10, 120, 80,
            outline="#fb0", fill="#fb0")
        canvas.create_rectangle(150, 10, 240, 80,
            outline="#f50", fill="#f50")
        canvas.create_rectangle(270, 10, 370, 80,
            outline="#05f", fill="#05f")
        canvas.pack(fill=BOTH, expand=1)

def main():

    root = Tk()
#    root.geometry("250x150+300+300")
    app = Example(root)

if __name__ == '__main__':


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