On Wed, 13 Nov 2013 16:26:37 +0200, Ferrous Cranus wrote:

> root@secure [~]# which python3
> /usr/local/bin/python3
> root@secure [~]# where pyhton3
> -bash: where: command not found

That just means that you don't have the "where" command installed. Oh 
well, if it's not installed you can't use it. (I don't have it installed 
on any of my systems either.)

> also how can a link the newset python to just /usr/bin/python.

Don't do that, you will break your system. The OS expects the python 
command to be Python 2, not Python 3, and ESPECIALLY not an alpha-quality 
version 3.4.

If you decide to ignore this advice, and break your system, don't bother 
ask for help here. You won't get any from me.

> here is what i tried
> root@secure [~]# ln -s /usr/local/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python ln:
> creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/python': File exists root@secure [~]#

That's not a Python issue, that's a basic Linux sys admin issue. Go buy 
yourself a book on Linux and study that. Or do some googling. Read the 
man page for ln. Or just spend three seconds thinking about what an error 
message like "File exists" could possibly mean.

Really Nikos, you're not a beginner at this. Your English is excellent. 
Between simple logic and Google, you ought to be able to work out what 
"File exists" means faster than writing a post and sending it here.


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