On 19/11/2013 9:56 AM, Ed Taylor wrote:
This will be very simple to most of you I guess but it's killing me!

print ("Please type in your age")
age =  input ()
leave = 16
print ("You have" + leave - age + "years left at school")

I want to have an input where the users age is inserted and then subtracted 
from the variable age which is set to 16 and the answer displayed as You have x 
years left at school.

Help much appreciated.

Hey there,

When asking code questions, if you get a traceback it's often handy to include it so we can see exactly what problem you've hit.

Luckily, it's pretty obvious here:

1. input() binds a string to 'age', whereas 'leave' is an integer; you cannot subtract a string from an integer, you need to turn the string into an integer first. Try:

    age = int(input())

2. With this done, you still have a similar issue: 'leave - age' produces an integer, and you cannot concatenate strings & integers. You can use string formatting to take care of this:

    print("You have {} years left at school".format(leave - age))

There's a lot more to formatting than this, make sure to check out the docs for it:


Hope this helps.


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