On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 6:40:18 PM UTC, bradleyb...@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> A Friend is doing maths in University and has had some coursework to do with 
> python.
> The question is 
> "Write a program that calculates how many positive integers less than N are 
> not divisible by 2,3 or 5. The user should be prompted to supply the Number 
> N. Demonstrate your program output when the input N is your student id. 
> (13006517)
> "The collatz process is as follows. Take a positive integer n greater than 1. 
> while n is greater than 1 repeat the following; if N is even halve it and if 
> N is odd multiply it by 3 and add 1. The (Unsolved) collatz conjecture is 
> that this process always terminates.
> The user should be prompted to supply the number n, and your program should 
> build the list of values taken by sucessive iteration of the algorithm, and 
> print it out. For example, if 7 is input your program should print the list 
> [7,22,11,34,17,52,26,13,40,20,10,5,16,8,4,2,1]
> Demonstrate your program output for an input value consisting of the number 
> formed adding 10 to the last digit of your student id. (13006517)"
> Any help would be appreciated

Think they just needed a starting point really to be honest as they can't get 
there head round it.

That was all. Badly worded this, wasn't looking for someone to do it all for 
him apologies

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