On 28/11/2013 15:19, TheRandomPast . wrote:

I've created a script that allows me to see how many images are on a
webpage and their URL however now I want to download all .jpg images
from this website and save them onto my computer. I've never done this
before and I've become a little confused as to where I should go next.
Can some kind person take a look at my code and tell me if I'm
completely in the wrong direction?

Just to clarify what I want to do is download all .jpg images on
dogpicturesite.com <http://dogpicturesite.com> and save them to a
directory on my computer.

Sorry if this is a really stupid question.

import traceback
import sys
from urllib import urlretrieve


         print ' imagefiles()'

The regex matches only the names of the images. Try matching their entire URLs.

         images = re.findall(r'([-\w]+\.(?:jpg))', webpage)

For each URL, download the image and save it into the folder. You can
make a path for each image by joining (That's a hint! Look in os.path)
the path of the folder with the name of the image.

         urlretrieve('http://dogpicturesite.com/', 'C:/images)
         print "Downloading Images....."
         print "Images Downloaded."

Don't use a 'bare' except. It swallows EVERY exception. Catch only what
you're willing to handle, and let the other exceptions just show

         print "Failed to Download Images"
         raw_input('Press Enter to exit...')

def main():
     if len(sys.argv) != 2:
         print '[-] Image Files'
     page = webpage.webpage(sys.argv[1])


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