On Tue, Dec 10, 2013 at 4:07 PM, Mark Lawrence <breamore...@yahoo.co.uk>wrote:

> On 10/12/2013 23:50, Dan Stromberg wrote:
>> But I believe imdbpy is 2.7 only.
> I guess it wouldn't be that difficult to run it through 2to3.  Try that
> and see what happens?

2to3 doesn't necessarily produce working code.  I've had better luck
porting to 3.x (while continuing to support 2.x) using a single codebase.

That said, porting imdbpy to 3.x is more of a time commitment than I'm
looking for.  Now that I have an encoding that works with the MPAA text
files, I'll probably use that; that should be quick and painless, assuming
that difflib or similar can do the sort of fuzzy matching I'm hoping for.

BTW, I tried using metals ("meta ls", not multiple kinds of metal) for a
while, which I believe is based on imdbpy, but it was tracebacking quite a
bit - on 2.7.  I had to make a one line change to get it to use 2.7 instead
of 2.6; this suggests to me that metals and/or imdbpy aren't being
supported very actively.

I'd prefer to use something with an active community around it, but failing
that, I'd prefer to use something _small_ I write myself.

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