Ervin Hegedüs wrote:

> Hello,
> On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 02:55:29AM -0800, Igor Korot wrote:
>> Hi, ALL,
>> Is there a way to make python script that connects to mySQL DB ask for
>> a password on the:
>> conn = mdb.connect(host, user)
>> line.
>> The host variable is "localhost" and the user variable is "root" (for
>> developmental purposes).
> may be you think some like this:
> import MySQLdb
> dsn = {
>     'host':   "",
>     'user':   "root",
>     'passwd': "",
>     'port':   3306,
>     'db':     "test"
> }
> dsn['passwd'] = raw_input("Enter password for %s: " % (dsn['user']))
> mysql = MySQLdb.connect(**dsn)
> cursor = mysql.cursor(MySQLdb.cursors.DictCursor)
> but at this way the password what you type will showing!

To avoid that use getpass.getpass() instead of raw_input().


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