On Dec 16, 2013 11:20 AM, "Nicholas Cole" <nicholas.c...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear List,
> What is the best way to distribute a private, pure python, Python 3
> project that needs several modules (some available on pypi but some
> private and used by several separate projects) in order to run?
> I'd like to include everything that my project needs to run in a
> single package.  The best way to do this seems to be to be to create
> symlinks to the source code of the "3rd party" modules I need and
> create a setup.py file that includes them in its "packages" list.  Is
> this what other people do?
> But even more ideally, I'd like to package my script and its
> dependencies in a single zip file that can be executed by python
> directly.  I see several declarations that this is possible online,
> but I can't find a simple recipe for converting a script and its
> dependencies into this kind of distribution. Could someone give me a
> pointer to a description of "the right way to do it".

For pure python code it's as simple as putting the code in a zip file with
a script called __main__.py. Then you can run the zip file with python as
if it was a python script.


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