On Tuesday, December 17, 2013 5:58:12 AM UTC+5:30, Ned Batchelder wrote:
> On 12/16/13 3:32 PM, Wolfgang Keller wrote:
> >>> And ever after that experience, I avoided all languages that were
> >>> even remotely similar to C, such as C++, Java, C#, Javascript, PHP
> >>> etc.
> >> I think that's disappointing, for two reasons. Firstly, C syntax isn't
> >> that terrible.
> > It's not just the abysmally appalling, hideously horrifying syntax. At
> > about everything about C is just *not* "made for human beings" imho.

> I've never heard C syntax reviled quite so intensely.  What syntax do 
> you like, out of curiosity?

I had a paper some years ago on why C is a horrible language *to teach with*

I believe people did not get then (and still dont) that bad for
- beginner education (CS101)
- intermediate -- compilers, OS, DBMS etc
- professional software engineering

are all almost completely unrelated

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