On 12/21/2013 08:24 PM, Downright Trows wrote:
I'm trying to pass a vector for the pygame function pygame.transform.rotate The 
only issue is that this doesn't work and I'm in grade 10 and haven't done the 
trig unit yet :L

Does anyone know a workaround? here is my code if it will help 
here is a link to the pygame transform function 
Thank you anyone who is kind enough to attempt to help me.

Welcome to programming in Python! Please tell us what you want to do, what you tried, and how it failed. Without that information, it's impossible to tell what you are asking.

More specifically:

 * The rotate function does not take a vector as an argument so I don't
   know what you mean by "trying to pass a vector for the pygame
   function ....
 * "It doesn't work" tells us nothing.  What error message, or what
   incorrect results?
 * I'm not likely to read your hundred+ lines of code trying to find a
   bug.  Please reduce you question to one or several lines of code,
   what you expect them to do, and what they are doing that you
   consider incorrect.

Gary Herron


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